Carol's Daughter Black Vanilla Edge Control
Edge Control Smoother: Black Vanilla Edge Control Smoother helps to keep hair moisturized, soft, and manageable; Applies dry not wet, so hair stays sleek when styling face-framing frizzies
For Dull, Dry Hair: Carol's Daughter Black Vanilla has the Sulfate-Free Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Smoothie, and Leave-In Conditioner to transform unmanageable hair into incredibly soft feeling hair
Black Vanilla For Naturally Curly Hair: Created for naturally curly hair, from the short-cropped 4c curly hairstyle to 1c waves, we use the ingredients your curls crave, like Aloe, Shea Butter, and Sweet Almond oil
Carol's Daughter Curly Hair Products: Whether your curls are coiled, kinky, or loose, we make products for curly hair of all kinds, including curl custard, gel for curly hair, shampoo, conditioner, and hair oils for natural hair growth
Made With Love: Carol's Daughter was born in a Brooklyn kitchen in 1993 and made with a mother's love and encouragement; Today we carry a full line of hair care products and body and skin care products